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How long has it been since you truly felt ease?

I mean REALLY at ease. No stress over your health, or anxiety about work. Feeling deeply connected to your body, in love with your daily routines, and at peace in your mind. 


No longer waking up with elevated cortisol levels, feeling calm and well-rested. You flow through a simple, aligned morning routine that helps you feel grounded, connected, and focused as you begin your day (even if you have kids!). You've discovered actual work/life balance and have tapped into your true purpose. You're clear on what you want in life and how to get there. You've learned how to listen to your body & nourish it with foods that make you FEEL GOOD.


You set healthy boundaries to protect your time & energy, and say "no" to overextending yourself. Your relationships are strong & fulfilling (romantic and otherwise). You no longer feel controlled by your busy calendar, but have space to breathe, move, and prioritize what you care about most.

Living with Dis-Ease?

I'm not just talking about scary health conditions!

"Disease" simply means there is "Dis-Ease" in the body and mind -- a disruption of the body's normal state of balance and harmony, leading to discomfort, dysfunction, or distress.


Whether you're fighting chronic stress from work, lack of sleep from parenthood, inflammation, gut issues, an autoimmune condition, hormone imbalance, or more...the body is always working hard as it strives to regain balance and ease.


Stressors from everyday life can lead to major dis-ease in your sleep, mental health, routines, relationships (especially the relationship with yourself!) and your quality of life.

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  • Discouraged with where you are in life

  • Disconnected from your body

  • Discomfort from painful symptoms

  • Dismissed by doctors or loved ones

  • Disheartened with your relationships

  • Distrustful of doctors to actually help you

  • Disassociated from your life's purpose

  • Disgruntled and burnt out

  • Discontent with your daily routines and life


  • Grounded and calm

  • Heard and seen

  • Clear about your next steps

  • In love with yourself

  • Excited about the future

  • Deeply connected with your body

  • In control of your physical symptoms

  • Recommitted to your health goals

  • In love with your daily routines

  • Empowered, happy & healthy

You deserve to finally feel some ease.

Ready to drop the 'Dis' and say hello to a life of Ease?

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Join me for an 8-week immersive and intimate group coaching experience, where together we'll deeply explore 3 key areas to help you live a life of ease.


Burnt out from work? Tired of being tired AF? Craving a routine that you actually love? Feeling frustrated and unfulfilled in your relationships? If you're ready to feel more balanced, grounded and at peace throughout your day...this program is for you.


When was the last time you spent 8 weeks focused solely on nourishing your mind, body, & soul?


It's time to turn the same love and attention you give so willingly to others onto yourself, too. And what better way than to do it with nurturing guidance and community support? Make this the year that things finally change for you, the year that you actually prioritize EASE.


Expect weekly group coaching sessions, incredible guest speakers, a supportive community of others who are ready to learn, grow, share, and expand right along with you. 


We start mid-September! More specific details & weekly call schedule will be shared after sign-up.


Got questions? Check the FAQ below or email us!

Hello Ease is a jumping off point or a gentle, compassionate return to making time and space for yourself in a holistic way. 

- Meagan C.

Dis-couraged with your health?

I was too. I struggled for years with chronic digestive, vaginal, and mental health issues. I was riddled with severe anxiety, recurring yeast infections, painful bloating, intense PMS, weight gain I couldn't control, and other frustrating and painful symptoms for years and years. 


Working to change my nutrition was the first step to healing. But true, long-term health and peace finally came once I began to shift my internal environment (the one that allowed for my body's lack of ease in the first place!). I focused on mindset, my emotional health, setting boundaries, connecting inward with meditation, incorporating supportive movement, cultivating aligned daily rituals, and many skills and tools I've built up over the years.


As a holistic health coach, my mission is to help you do the same. Hello, Ease was created after working with over 100 women on their gut & vaginal health and seeing that almost all of them needed the same kind of deeper inner healing to help the physical symptoms disappear. This program focuses on 3 key elements that I see are the most common needs to help you get back in balance and living with ease.


Whether it's recurring infections, chronic stress, frustrating digestive issues, feeling anxious or lost, or an overall sense of discontent and discomfort with your life, relationships and daily routines... I am here to tell you it doesn't always need to be this way.


It can be better. It can be easier. And I'll help hold your hand as you begin to navigate this new path!

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I became a different person at my core.

"Working with Shannon has been one of the most meaningful and drastic moments in my life! I cannot stress enough how I became a different person at the core going through this program. Everything changed for me! I highly recommend investing in yourself and working for a better life, a better mind, and getting to know yourself at a whole different level. I experienced changes I wasn't even expecting, which turned out to be the biggest lessons throughout our time together. Thank you so much, Shannon!" - Laura Z.

Holding Hands
Image by Shashi Chaturvedula


Every single person who enrolled in the previous round of this group was a former 1:1 or group client. (Which is not required by any means to participate!) I loved seeing this because it affirms that the work we do here is transformational, and that they saw the value of jumping into this program to further up-level their wellness practices. I love being able to work with clients through various stages of their growth & expansion!

How do you live a life of ease?

Your Mind, Body & Soul are the key aspects that contribute to your overall well-being and sense of balance, which we'll dive into together.


What You REALLY Get:

  • Get un-stuck. Move through your mindset blocks and daily habits that are holding you back.

  • Access more ease: mind, body & soul

  • Cultivate deeper connection with self

  • Uncover a renewed love of life

  • Bring your body back into balance

  • Form connections with new friends

  • Create an aligned daily routine

  • Gain tools to manage stress, strengthen mindset, and nourish yourself.

What's Included?

  • 8 Weeks of live calls​

  • Education & group coaching

  • Incredible guest speakers

  • Worksheets to help guide you

  • Short video lessons

  • 7 day meal plan for optimized gut health

  • Online Slack community space

  • Journal prompts & helpful exercises

  • Access to a special 90 min virtual retreat**

  • 1:1 Coaching Call **


**Special early bird bonus!

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Here's a sneak peek at our 8 weeks together...

 Expect weekly live calls and connection in Slack, plus a couple special guest speakers!

Week 1: Connection & Values

  • Group connection

  • Identifying our personal core values

  • Setting intentions & clarifying our "WHY"

Weeks 2 & 3: Body

  • Supportive Movement practices

  • Optimizing your gut health & nutrition

  • Why & how to up your sleep game

Weeks 4 & 5: Mind

  • Stress education & management tools

  • Mindset support: up-level self talk & outlook

  • Overcoming mindset blocks & limiting beliefs

  • Implementing routines that actually stick

Weeks 6 & 7: Soul

  • Feeling, processing & regulating emotions

  • Self love, affirmations & mantras

  • Tap into intuition, tune into “gut” instincts

  • Get un-stuck: find your purpose

  • Align daily routines with your values

  • Tools to help you manifest & live with intention

Week 8: Closing & Reflections

  • Reflecting on progress & looking ahead to the future

  • Future visioning exercise & sharing

  • Setting yourself up for success


** Following the final week, we'll have a 90 minute virtual retreat with movement, breath, meditation, and deeper connection. This is a free bonus for early bird guests and available as an add-on for others. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

(P.S. Have a question not answered here? Email us).

Discover what it means for YOU to live a life of balance and ease.

"This is a program to do if you really want to dig deep into yourself and discover what it means for YOU to live a life of balance and ease. You have to be willing to do the work and be vulnerable - you get out what you put in. You will be in a safe environment with other women who are supportive and willing to change thier lives for the better. It is an incredible experience."


-Layla B.

Holding Hands
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Bonus Goodies

Enrollment closes Sept 26th. Don't miss over $250 in bonus deals to go with your registation!​


👉 FREE access to final virtual retreat ($90 value)

👉 1:1 Goal-Setting Call ($75 value)

👉 2 months of FREE access to the Inner Circle & The Library paid levels in The Balance Collective membership ($90)


One-time & installment payment plans are both available!

Fighting Candida?

For a limited time you can bundle Hello Ease with our Candida Cleanse Coaching Program.


Save 40% on your Candida Cleanse! Learn more here.

Take both programs at the same time, or begin the Candida Cleanse whenever you're ready to dive in.

** Special Bundle Offer **

Kind Words From Past Clients

I feel connected to my soul, mind, and body.

I am surprised with how much I've connected with myself. I feel like I found the version of me I've wanted back for so long, and I'm devoted to myself like I've never been before. I truly want to be the greatest Sydney I can be. I feel incredible, thankful, motivated, and empowered. I feel connected to my soul, mind, and body

Sydney T.
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There's still time to make this the year that you finally feel balance and ease.

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